Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Tuesday, Jun. 29, 2010 12:35 a.m.

Micro Symphony 微協奏

日期 Date:8.5 � 28.6.2010 (星期二除外 except Tuesdays)
時間 Time:上午10:00 � 晚上9:00 (10:00 � 9:00pm)
地點 Venue:香港視覺藝術中心不同地點 (Various locations inside Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre)

Admission Free

we spent one afternoon discussing the design concept and 3 days working everything out. the deadline was 6pm, and as we jumped off the taxi and broke into the visual arts centre it's 5:57, 3 minutes before the deadline. this was so typical of us - so saisailup.

but yeah we've made it. saisailup's very first project :]

after coming out of the office we saw the above sound sculpture at the corridor. fragments of leaves on clear plastic plates were placed under microscopes. underneath were screens that displayed the magnified images of the leaves. the digital images of leaves (cells?) trembled with the music that's being played. the show will end this wednesday, the day of the my school interview. i think i will go there to see the installation again and then watch a movie or stroll around alone maybe.

how's your side of the world?

前天在電視看到Danny Diaz唱這首歌,想起在世界另一端的人。很久不見,你在那邊的世界可安好?

累得虛脫,又想從一切繁瑣雜務逃循。對工作竟然少有地沒有把握,logistics的問題及我的PM都讓人煩厭。因為將要畫的畫實在太大,無法在家裏畫,要借朋友的工作室一用。但就如之前所料的,感覺很awkward。將來一定要努力賺錢set up一個屬於自己的工作室,要有幾件自製家俬,一張大檯,幾件樂器,還有書。

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