Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Sunday, Aug. 23, 2009 2:16 a.m.

wiki, mr ho, kiki, D... so everybody's gone, and even edward has had his last day at office today. i begin to imagine my last day - i will be given a copy of naked + white (our company portfolio), a jidou cushion and an extra book maybe. boss will send an email to the whole company talking about what he thought of me and my work. he will ask me what i've learnt in these 2 years, and what i'm gonna do... and he will repeat 10 times that both art and architecture dou mo future, and that i should go to MIT media lab (which is impossible for me).

i have to be determined this time... can't quit any later that october or else i will eat shit again (like last year). i'm gonna think about the answer to boss' questions, and what i'm gonna say in the goodbye email to colleague.

just started to think of plan A plan B. need to compare the cost as well as pros and cons.


siuyuen says she prefers me writing in chinese wor. let me switch to chinese now.




我不要峰迴路轉,上天可以HEA HEA地給我一個大團圓結局嗎,人生可以不像韓劇般老土嗎......

正想回家的時候被街上的內地女子問長途電話怎麼打,原以為答完問題就可脫身,結果折騰了半小時才了結這件事。我總是在無必要好人的情況下好人,總是不懂硬下心腸拒絕... -_-"


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