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Sunday, Apr. 26, 2009 11:42 p.m.

just come back from milan.

quick note for the trip:
day 1 - hong kong>london>milan
- 早上7點抵達london heathrow terminal 5,於機場paul smith店巧遇sir paul smith本人,講左句good morning
- milan malpensa airport>malpensa express>cadorna train station
- 搵唔到hotel shuttle bus個站,問公共巴士司機點去酒店,司機叫我上車然後再轉95巴士,唔駛俾錢。落車再轉95,原來都仲未去到,問路人,路人話要搭222,咁222係去邊度搭呢?不如問旁邊呢架巴士既司機,呢位幾有型既司機又話上佢架車就o岩喇。好,上,然後去左一個有電車站既不毛之地,佢叫我落車去搭對面架222。衝上222,個司機戴住墨鏡,超型,我話ripamonti hotel? 佢話si si si。
- 花左over 2個鐘終於去到位於米蘭天水圍既酒店,打電話俾公司,老細話我去trip好貴,唔該即刻飛去展覽會場做野唔好嘥時間。
- hotel shuttle bus + metro -> milano fiera (展覽館) = 2 hours. fiera要閂門。
- 出gibaldi搵gallery carla sozzani睇ettore sottsass/memphis group,搵唔到,但係誤闖corso como酒吧街,食個雪糕,同幾靚仔既gelato哥哥傾2句先。
- 誤闖某furniture manufacturer之party,終於攞到第一份catalogue,派出第一張卡片,個心安落左少少。sales哥哥giorgio話i love hong kong。
- 時為晚上10點,諗住去duomo搭shuttle bus返酒店,又搵唔到,搭的士盛惠30euro。

day 2 - fiera
- 7點起身搭shuttle bus唔識落車/上錯車唔知去左邊,花左一個鐘兜返原地
- call的士要等30minutes,痴線
- 落車唔記得開車尾箱攞返公司個篋同自己部電腦,即刻打電話去的士台,個女人話個的士司機堅稱我冇擺野o係車尾箱,仲同我鬥大聲,痴線。漫遊電話糾纏左十幾分鐘,最後佢終於俾司機個電話我叫我自己搞掂佢。
- 打電話俾司機,佢唔識英文,我唔識意大利文,收線。
- 搵fiera info centre姐姐幫手同司機溝通,最後司機返返黎fiera,終於攞得返電腦。
- 終於可以開始睇furniture fair...

day 3 - zona tortona
- 6點起身,再戰shuttle bus,問司機去唔去san donato地鐵站,佢唔講yes or no,淨係講一大堆意大利話。我俾shuttle bus timetable佢睇,佢一路睇張紙一路踩油,差d撞到前面voldswagen車仔,volkswagen女人破口大罵,司機指住我話係我衰(我估)。

[to be continued]

Every day I wake up and it's Sunday
Whatever's in my head won't go away
The radio is playing all the usual
And what's a wonderwall anyway

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
'Cos I'm writing to reach you
But I might never reach you
I long to teach you about you
But that's not you

It's good to know that you are home for Christmas
It's good to know that you are doing well
It's good to know that you all know I'm hurting
It's good to know I'm feeling not so well

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
'Cos I'm writing to reach you
But I might never reach you
I long to teach you about you
But that's not you
Do you know it's true
And that won't do

Maybe then tomorrow will be Monday
And whatever's in my head should go away
Still the radio keeps playing all the usual
And what's a wonderwall anyway

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
'Cos I'm writing to reach you
But I might never reach you
I long to teach you about you
But that's not you
Do you know it's true
And that won't do
You know it's you
I'm talking to


dim suen le. sum gwa gwa. jun hai charm.
tmr yau yiu go back to work lark.. tender drawings for 2 projects. sei duc. ai how i wish you were here.

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