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Thursday, Dec. 12, 2002 12:10 a.m.


joyzi trista and i met james lung last saturday. he's shorter than all 3 of us lor, and then he was a ji luen kwong, jau wai dou hai his own photos! totally horrified ar ha, ho charm ar ngor dei... have to work for this bin tai lo...........................

and then his english is definitely NOT alright. "all donators will get a free prizes", meh english lei ga!?

today we got his emails. i checked my account and found 3 mails from him. one for the attached files was his photo. kui sei dou yiu include kui jeung seung loh, terrible! we screamed in the common room~ ha~

moreover, we found that he's a computer idiot. kui ng sik add our email addresses to his address book and he didn't know how to send email to multi-recipient!!!

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