Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Thursday, Jun. 17, 2010 11:31 p.m.

一番好意打俾老細同佢講我想返公司探佢,俾D上海相佢睇,佢又鬧我嘥錢去外國讀書,又話佢冇我咁風光,可以得閒去expo。what a pk.


wanna swear so much -_-"

really tired of arguing over my decision again and again. ngor hui study gwarn kui mud q si. ngor jo meh freelance yau gwarn kui mud si.

wa. don't wanna face him if we need to quarrel again, but i really want to share with them the interesting designs and architectural details i saw during the trip. i hope we can all learn and grow together. ok i need to control my temper tomorrow. in front of li d pk i need to have 大將之風.

mr ho please don't get disappointed or too shocked when you see me writing pk again and again, coz this is the only appropriate word to describe him.

last year they sent me to milan furniture fair to look at latest design trends and get product catalogues. when i showed them the furniture photos i took, boss kept giving negative comments like "so ugly!", "咪又係o個D野" which made me real sick.

係咁勁既就唔好抄design啦,what right does he have to criticize other people's designs while he can't create something original himself? 山長水遠去米蘭影相,有意思既先會揀出黎俾你睇,而你竟然張張都彈,有冇尊重過我感受呀。

get mad easily during M. really sorry for that.


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