Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Thursday, Dec. 10, 2009 12:04 a.m.

suddenly thought he's not bad. suddenly thought it's not impossible. so i suddenly changed my mind and went to the mtr station instead of the bus stop so that we could chat longer.

recently i've been longing for the piano. when i need to work i want to leave the office as early as possible so that i can go home and try out the recently downloaded chopin scores. those are very difficult pieces and my hands are small, but i can feel sweetness as i struggle through the A-B-A / A-B-A-C. every part of the body has to move in order to tackle the large intervals between the notes, the appregios, the modulation, the 3連音on the left hand and 4連音on the right hand. the strange thing is in order to be able to play it, you mustn't stop or slow down or you'll lose the sense of rhythm. every chord is placed to prepare for the next and you get so easily carried away coz chopin was such a master. and no doubt he knew and loved the piano.

i've never felt so excited about the piano - never when i was still taking piano lessons. i've always thought it's boring to play on or listen to the piano, and i don't understand why every guy tells me he wish he could play it (why always piano? why not violin? why not cello? why not guitar?).

would mum understand? would she know the reason why i rush home to play the piano? if it's just for fun i would have played her the last rose of summer as she wished, but i feel that i have to play chopin - there is something i have to release by transforming my energy into musical notes. it is something that i have to solve.


when will real the peach flower appear ar. i'm drying to death.

thinking of Air's cherry blossom girl.

I don�t want to be shy
Can�t stand it anymore
I just want to say �Hi�
To the one I love
Cherry blossom girl

I feel sick all day long
From not being with you
I just want to go out
Ever night for a while
Cherry blossom girl

Tell me why can�t it be true

I never talk to you
People say that I should
I can pray everyday
For the moment to come
Cherry blossom girl

I just want to be sure
When I will come to you
When the time will be gone
You will be by my side
Cherry Blossom Girl

Tell me why can�t it be true

I�ll never love again
Can I say that to you
Will you run away
If I try to be true
Cherry blossom girl

Cherry blossom girl
I�ll always be there for you
That means no time to waste
Whenever there�s a chance
Cherry blossom girl

Tell me why can�t it be true

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