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Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2009 11:16 p.m.




其實我個人好婆媽好心軟。唔想應酬既人,我會因為唔想HURT人而應酬,唔想捧既場,我會為左畀面而捧。Mr D (from now on i'll call him Mr D) 提醒左我,其實我地可以選擇同D咩人交往,可以放棄唔值得KEEP既朋友。人生苦短,點解要逼自己做咁多無謂既應酬呢。

actually i'm tired of that. well i've had that feeling since a few years back actually. i don't want to put excess smiles (i smile a lot but that doesn't mean i am fake) and try to be nice to people i'm tired of...

but the first thing is, i have to learn to say no. that requires some cold blood.

識到K同學係一種緣份。大學三年,表面上好忙好多野搞,其實可能係人生中最寂寞既三年。從小學以黎都好多時候冇朋友,成日要扮冇事,直到大學都係咁。YR 1同YR 2對我黎講真係超級痛苦,我最開心既竟然係YR 3,因為我終於走少左堂,終於離開要逼自己SOCIAL既生活,終於靠自己交到DESIGN功課,同埋終於有稍為穩定既朋友關係。

呢位同學以前o係我屋企附近讀中學,呢間亦係我哥既母校,佢LUNCH TIME去既茶餐廳我都會去。如果我唔係轉左去九龍讀書,我9成都會入o個間中學,可能會同佢做同學。o係認識佢之前,原來我地已經o係同一個空間生活,share對呢一區既共同記憶,感覺好奇妙。

i always find it embarrassing and awkward to read my 口語 afterwards, but i couldn't express it in english or 書面語.

heard that a secondary schoolmate is getting married. archian或者做創作的人,讀書、結婚、買樓都要遲人幾年。it's the consequence of devoting one's life into pursuing a dream. when you design, you simply can't spare any resources to worry over all the practical stuff anymore. so if i can't get married or earn a penny by 30, 認命la.

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