Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Thursday, Aug. 13, 2009 3:13 a.m.

晚飯後走了很遠的路,如我所願。看過旅行的照片,起身要走的時候,剛巧過了凌晨12點,聽了第一句生日快樂,然後大笑(在那刻同時想起王肖兒)。到此處為止,事情的進展都在預料之內,感覺有點詭異,這是所謂的passive aggressive嗎。就是表面上讓對方作主,實際上由自己暗裏控制,這是我比較懂得做的事。走回巴士站的時候,尾班車剛巧開出,唯有改搭地鐵,你原不打算送我,卻誤dood了八達通入閘,只好送我一程。

整件事似乎都在控制之中,所以也跟預期一樣,我們有說有笑,以朋友身份一起渡過快樂的時光。以朋友身份交往其實是很美好的體驗,我也著實喜歡跟你沒完沒了的聊天,不過太要好的朋友通常只可以remain as朋友,這個我明白。在這個時候堅持要叉隻腳落去也沒意思。

(想起香奈兒知道BOY CAPEL快要結婚時倚著窗邊含著淚說的一番話)

你說這是你能夠做的。我想我明白的,也不會勉強(暫時)。做人要進取但不能太貪心,像stone roses的song for suger spun sister歌詞:she has given me more than she thought she should,所以就這樣吧。

這是最幸福的生日之一。不知何故今年特別熱鬧,本來想平平淡淡過的,但END UP星期一至五都有約,指揮先生竟也在我的FACEBOOK留了言,令我受寵若驚。我一點都不可愛,但有幸得到大家的關心,算是非常幸運。


I don't know if I will always love you
I don't know if I will always need you
But I know that you'll find your own way tomorrow
I just hope I see you in the morning
I just hope I see you in this precious morning
I know there is always the dream tomorrow

I'm going to try again today
To say whats in my heart
And pray for a better tomorrow
Make a brand new start
I'm telling everybody to turn it up again
Something's gotta change
Good bye yesterday
Try again today

Maybe you can call me when you get to heaven
Maybe you can tell me I can go to hell
But I know rain or shine I'll be there tomorrow
Maybe its written in the stars above you
Maybe its just scratched in sand
But I know you'll find your own dream tomorrow

I'm going to try again today
To say whats in my heart
And pray for a better tomorrow
Make a brand new start
I'm telling everybody to turn it up again
Something's gotta change
Good bye yesterday
Try again today

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