Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Friday, Jul. 03, 2009 12:44 a.m.

wish i could play the guitar and sing. how come i was not cheer le. how i was not hope sandoval le.

can't stop thinking. lor lor luen... wish the phone would ring and i'll be saved. i'm so AMK... so ji bai and mo liu...

tonight i sent an email to sirius xm (satellite radio station), asking them the name of a particular song, and complained about their very limited music library. maybe they don't answer such emails at all... but i'm desperate to find out what song it is.

lor lor luen about future. seems that my body is getting ng dim. heart beats fast sometimes and it aches. longlasting stomachache. charng jue.

2 weeks to go... be patient and ding jue please. and ng goi fai d lose weight. at least 10 pounds to go -____-" 2 weeks 10 pound jung hai narn jor siu siu.

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