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Sunday, Mar. 01, 2009 10:03 p.m.

tako's photo day. didn't know her friends well when we were in the same school. surprisingly we had a lot of fun this afternoon, and the biggest surprise of all was anna k's OL look and tiny pink dior handbag.

hku campus is really small compared to cu and mo views or places for yi yup... atmosphere really laid back ho doh. might be a better place to build up true friendships? (my logic: i tend to think that hku seems to place more emphasis on the result rather than the progress. ppl r more aggressive and eager to biu yin ji gei. similar to what i think about dgs and lam woo)




import唔到mazzy star入flash,靜下來聽聽mojave 3 9分鐘長的bluebird of happiness吧。每次聽腦海總會浮現橙黃帶粉紅的、朦朧的地平線,一直向前伸延。

gotta find a way to get home strong
gotta find a way back home...

為了找粉彩顏料而翻箱倒櫃,找到你歐遊時寄給我的2張postcard,其中一張柏林postcard,我比你早一點在柏林某museum shop見過,當時看到那2隻坐在柏林電視塔的卡通企鵝便立刻想起你,但沒有買下,因為知道你也將會遊柏林。回到香港,到你歐遊,收到你寄來的企鵝postcard,感覺太窩心。

一切都成過去,其實很難接受。表面上完全正常,可能只是獅子座呈強,怎麼可能完全不難過。朋友仔如果睇到不必出言安慰或者每次online都問how are you,請容我傷心一排,好正常啫,不用下下think positive吧。最好的安慰是替我找找以下items:
安哲羅普洛斯(Theo Angelopoulos)全集
Eleni Karaindrou 電影配樂
Norman Mailer - An uncommon conversation: on god
Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence 戰場上的快樂聖誕soundtrack

btw鄧醫生請勿硬銷的你醫生朋友...... 在我印象中讀醫的除了tako jessie以外都是無可救藥地悶/odd。

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