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Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2008 11:32 p.m.

有d manage唔到/唔知點做既感覺。究竟係人多手腳亂定係我自己個心太亂呢 -_-"

有大半日見客開會,出去見下世面係好既,不過始終對interior design興趣不大,唔太想做。意外收穫係發現左個客既細佬原來係做動畫的,office就o係我地樓下,我地可以順便參觀一下佢地公司。第一次入動畫公司(唔計自己office),佢地d畫(人手畫)好厲害,technically好厲害,雖然唔係exactly my cup of tea,但係感覺都好好。

做動畫既人係咪有樣睇ga le,佢地都係好細個。不過人地個樣似廿幾歲,我地公司就似十幾歲,十足我地d卡通人物。希望第時搬去新office會再有機會遇到佢地,識下新朋友吧。

老細係有佢叻既地方既,不過人夾人緣,you either like him or hate him。


another big wok again. what's happening... >"< what the hell am i doing?

good luck...

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