Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 11:52 p.m.

where have my courage and energy gone? fai d gwor 31st and things will be fine...

thanks yuen and bean for the videos. i love you.

thinking about doing voluntary work in sichuan with HKIA. probably will resign latest by early august and leave the last month for voluntary work, own little projects, sketching and biking.

劇本作到一半唔識作落去,冇得背台詞,唯有執生。i'm surprised by myself. but that's so addictive man. when am i acting? when am i not? i can't distinguish anymore...

蘇麗珍 你叫我明白花樣的幽默
有情有義有時卻有年華的寂寞 對所愛的人不說 卻對自己太嚕唆
想啊想 這是對 還是錯 到最後總是想得太多

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