Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Tuesday, Jan. 02, 2007 4:21 a.m.

�U��������j�צ��Cgood good good. share with you the pics i took later. the weather was tooooo good and the sky was sooooo blue. the clouds were wonderful. happy tourists photographers painters anglers everywhere. biggest surprise of day: abandoned quarry/battery? the place was like �ѲP����.. should go and have a look. surely it worth.

met two nice photographers (1 ham sup 1 not? haha). mr photographer was curious about the quality of my tiny nikon b. he looked at the pics i took and he said the quality of my camera was ok wor. he asked me what kind of pictures i liked to take and told me to keep taking good pictures.

li goh camera really ng chor ar.. yi snapshot camera lei gong. very nice colours, especially blue.

ho. gonna do lots of sketching of lei yue mun in the following days. i will start from buying myself a new sketchbook and a set of pens. and i probably need some watercolour later.

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argh.. �ѭ��ѥ[�����i? not much time left... and my painting skill sucks. �p�Y���ڤS�n�Q��tim�C�ڭn���ɧڭn�X�W�C

jau lei dou UPO geh mock campaign/campaign/AGM/evaluation... wanna get away from it and yet i have the urge to keep track of it...

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