Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011 8:37 p.m.

Assessment day

Been struggling for over two weeks and things couldn't be set right until this afternoon. I wished to build a box for the projection since it's too bright everywhere in the studio, but there's simply not enough time and I couldn't get the projector until this morning and therefore couldn't test the effect in advance.

It's a pity that the details of the darker photos were all lost due to the daylight. I hope to show them again in our February/March show in the gallery in East London. I think they are nice pictures. I will make sure I can do them justice next time. Despite the projection problem, I think it's a good idea to keep the tree originally placed at that corner and included it as part of the installation.

We won't get the feedback until next week. Before that I need a break and reply all the unreplied emails - but I can't wait to start working on the next project, and of course the new year 邊爐 as well.

Too exhausted after all the hard work. Let the photos speak for themselves.




Interior of Yue's amazing model. Reminds me of Richard Wilson's work in Saatchi Gallery and a little bit of Olafur Eliasson.

I sat at this corner originally but for the assessment I moved to the pantry side for a darker environment.

My window photo projected onto translucent fabric between the tree left by others. It's a alideshow of photos of lit windows with curtains/blinds at night.




And finally I managed to go home early and cook. Tomato + mushrooms + chicken thigh meamt + pasta. Quite nice.


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