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Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010 11:36 a.m.

Sunny day on Google Maps
Lots Road Power Station in Chelsea is irresistible. How about visiting it in reality next week?

The station was completed in early 1900s and provided electricity for District Line. Located at Chelsea Creek, its proximity to the river allowed easy transport of coal fuel.

The site is being redeveloped into retail / residential complex (Terry Farrell is the architect) by Hutchison Whampoa and the development is expected to complete in 2013. http://www.hwpg.com/en/properties/p40.asp

If you look at the photo of Battersea Power Station that I posted yesterday, you will see the luxury apartments designed by Norman Foster standing on the right.

Just found this great website with info and pics of various ruins, abandoned structures in London.
Derelict London
I'm gonna buy his book since it's not expensive and is not big so I can bring it around. BBC's comment on the book makes me 笑爆嘴: "The book is a belter. What we call in my house a Velvet Underground - a great Loo Read"

I've done practically nothing apart from cleaning up the carpet floor this morning. Off to read and think about my research now -_____-"

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