Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Monday, Jan. 06, 2003 10:21 p.m.

goh doramail sei jor... but new emails keep pouring in... still can't look into the ecards my frds sent me >.<

em... nth special today. had a lot of dreams this morning. in one of the dreams, james lung occupied my bedroom without notifying me before hand... and i talked with the man and joyzi in other dreams...

i suddenly woke up at around 4am. i wasn't tired. i felt extremely warm instead. i lied still in bed, and heard the man downstairs singing jay chow's song. �¦���qis that man's���q~

back to school today. couldn't help falling asleep during geog. we were watching a video abt the amazon TRF. i felt more and more drowsy... gun jue break goh jun�y�f��tim ar~ ha~

by the way, kwong ���� yesterday while riding the bicycle. ho chi �� jor... meh si...

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