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Saturday, Jan. 11, 2003 10:58 p.m.

i printed out the details of interlochem this morning. i haven't read thru those pages yet. now i think it isn't that difficult to meet the requirements as i have already done 3 out of 5 required drawings. however, my mum still wants me to play the violin instead of drawing. gong gik kui dou hai ng seung ngor drawing. ngor wa yau financial aid, kui insist wa drawing mo scholarship, music yau, dim guy ng hui music.

ngor wui insist lok hui... chiubi ar... ngor seung chi hai TST goh game centre gave up jor, gum chi 1 ding yiu treasure the opportunity. but gwor jui important dou hai seung improve ngor d drawing and english.

ai... ho biased ar kui dei. sing yut dou hai gum look at drawing/painting. juz like the drama we're doing... the mother always thinks she's doing what's the best for her daughter, but she never takes her feelings and personal will into consideration. but gwor yau si the daughter jun hai yiu compromise geh.... but gwor ngor yi yin hai wui choose drawing instead of music.







i had overcome the first 3.. and now i'm involved in pth drama... do you think i can win this time?

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