Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2010 3:08 p.m.

i understand that being a project mangaer isn't easy, but i really hate the unneccessary calls and sms and emails. ng goi yau yeh gong jau fai d gong, ng ho beat around the bush gong 1 dai lun introduction yau pretend to 噓寒問暖. jung ask me whether i've got him souvenir? hai mai tai gau siu le.

jui gwai tsang d 3 ng sik 7 ask you for souvenirs and postcards. if you believe that you are my friend you don't need to ask that question. ngor ng gok duc li d hai 過下口癮 ho funny, ngor jing hai gok duc ho q annoying and i don't understand why ppl can have such thick face skin.


mo sum gei =/

在讀著在上海買的書,很配合心情。有點像raymond carver的what we talk about when we talk about love,不過冇咁虛。因為村上先生,以後我會嘗試讀美國文學的,雖然N年前已經咁講。





彈琴的時候阿媽織手機袋,這樣的光景就像Pride and Prejudice一樣。

翻開經典的piano pieces for children,是蕭邦的funeral march,二級或三級程度,邊彈邊想如何在父親的funeral上彈這首歌,想著想著才想起他早就不在。那留給自己的喪禮又如何?不過自己死掉的話就不能親自彈了。然後幻想自己的婚禮應該要播ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space,取代老土的canon in D,反正都是用同樣的幾個chord。不過前題是要有婚可結,真搞笑,人生除了死亡之外沒有一件事是肯定的。

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