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Friday, May. 14, 2010 11:35 p.m.


拍攝以上片段的科學研究員Benfield,同時發現一種名為manefish的怪魚,此魚靠捕食一種叫siphonophore的東東維生。那siphonophore究竟是甚麼?sophonophore管水母,貌似水母但並非水母,也不是一個個體,而是無數的個體糾結而成的colony。一個colony由負責不同功能的個體(zooid)組成,負責消化、游泳等等,大家形態與作用都不同,但又必須互相依賴才能生存。以劇毒聞名的葡萄牙戰艦/僧帽水母,英文名Portuguese Man O' War,原來就是siphonophere而非jellyfish。

留意尾段出現,企圖襲擊Man O' War的藍色怪物,是一種叫Glaucilla marginata,愛倒轉浮於水面的裸腮類動物nudibranch(即海蛞蝓sea slug的一種)。個樣超怪。

這是讀者文摘出版的Oceans and Islands,我家有一本中文版,叫海洋與海島,成4-5cm厚,自我有意識以來就不斷翻看。小時候認識藍腳鰹鳥(blue-footed booby)、波里尼西亞的帆船、海兔(sea hare)、鸚鵡螺、復活節島的神秘石像等等,全都拜這本寶書所賜。家裏還有一本同是讀者文摘出版的大自然之趣,介紹陸地上的動植物居多,圖片同樣精彩,但不知怎的我還是偏愛海洋與海島多一點。


will be described by yuen as 宅女 if she saw this.


actually i wanted to be a scientist when i was small. well at first i told mum and dad i wanted to be a pianist when i started learning to play the piano at four. dad said i would starve to death but mum said it's great (because she's the one who made me take piano lessons >:| ). some time later i saw UST's campus while travelling to saikung on the bus. i thought it's beautiful, and i said i wanted to be a scientist in the future. this time both mum and dad were happy. around the same time i started to become practical and thought i should be a teacher. this time, both parents said 千祈唔好 although they were both teachers.

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