Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Monday, May. 10, 2010 12:23 a.m.

Homepage update (see "postcard" section)

For those who would like to buy my postcards, now you can get them at the following locations:

Original Tai O Store
76 Shek Tsai Po Street, Tai O, Hong Kon g (opposite to Cha Gwo Choi / near to post office)
Tel: 6349 2262
(Sat, Sun and Public Holidays)

銅鑼灣駱克道491-499號京都廣場19樓B舖(right opposite to MTR exit C)
Shop B, 19/F, Kyoto Plaza, 491-499 Lockhart Rd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: 2155 9677 (Mon-Sun)

Solo Cafe 蘇廬
86 Kat Hing St, G/F,
Tai O, Lantau Island, Hong Kong (near to Sun Kei Bridge)
Tel: 9153 7453 (Mon-Sun)

mother's day.
invited mum for breakfast this morning. it was nice despite that i still felt awkward.

it's raining hard tonight. i'm spending the night alone on the island, thighs sticky with sweat. i can imagine mum with tears all over her face as she watched 星光大道 on TV...

i am too tired to do any brainstorming for the freelance job tonight. must be the cycle again... sleep was so deep that i felt painful. could almost feel myself sinking into the mattress and that 不能自拔 feeling was terrible... always on the verge of waking but the body was so weak and heavy that i thought i could never get up again.

will i get lost on the other side and never come back again one day?


對上一次覺得體能不尋常地好是中六左右。在學校indoor gym上PE堂,分組接力跑,輪到我接棒,跑到轉彎位的時候,覺得關節的活動方式與順暢道跟以往任何一次都不同,速度快得連自己都無法相信。在那短短的一圈路程中,前所未有的速度使重量感消失,那是一種類似昇華的體驗。跑完那一棒,一位組員說我跑得很快,那是人生中唯一一次有人對我這麼說。

對,我正為了這種小事大做文章,make a big fuss out of nothing...





by the way,面試官不斷強調you will meet nice people there讓我差點要哼起Scott McKenzie的San Francisco來:If you're going to San Francisco, you're gonna meet some gentle people there...







rufus wainwright's singing can sound annoying and boring if you listen to it for too long.

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