Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Friday, Apr. 09, 2010 1:44 p.m.

it's true that 舊既唔去新既唔黎. if you don't take the initiative to break the routine or step out of the comfort zone, your life won't change by itself.

these sweet happy days won't last long i know. it's only a transition period, and i can't really see what lies ahead, but i'm glad i did make an attempt to leave the shithole. i don't want to end up wasting my youth in an office and having nothing to say to friends apart from complaining about my job. don't wanna become another fire-less OL.

last night selina+helen+tiffany (SH_T) went to THINK cafe in causeway bay to discuss the arrangement for the coming flea market. the three of us are gonna stick together once more since just one of us can't earn enough to pay the rent. the official facebook event page isn't out yet, but i can make a 預告 geh:

Date: 25 Apr, 2010 (sun)
Time: 12nn � 6pm
Venue: THINK, Shop B, 19/F, Kyoto Plaza, 491-499 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay
Number of stalls: ~10 (selling accessories, selina's bags, tiffany's book jackets, cakes, 測字, henna, my postcards etc.)

for those who can't go to lantau now this is the chance to buy my cards. causeway bay wor, so accessible. the cafe itself looks pretty nice too with a bookshelf that spans about 7 metres wide. i haven't tried the cakes, but the hazelnut coffee i had yesterday was quite good.

apart from the flea market at THINK maybe i'll work on a couple of freelance jobs in the coming months. i really want to get that illustration job coz it seems big and challenging.

2010 seems to be very nice year for me. a turning point?

please stay strong whether i pass the school interview or not. have to believe that i can make a life.

the elaine i met at the 2005 art camp will visit me in tai o tomorrow noon. they are having a cultural tour, and will look into the culture and sustainability issues of tai o. sampson says he'll visit me before the shop closes. getting really excited about seeing this long lost friend again (although just frd gwor less than 1 year i think... hau loi i hated him so much).

at lunch i asked mum if she remembered who sampson was, and we began talking about different classmates.

mum: 上次你見o個個叫張敬軒?
bi: 張敬軒係唱歌既,o個個叫張競謙。


mum: (房外大叫) 小寶ar咁邊個係賴屎o個個呀?
bi: (超肯定)張XX。
mum: 係咩?點解爸爸豬成日話人地賴屎仔既。
bi: 咁佢真係賴屎ar ma,行樓梯賴wor。

what a pity. after 14 years this guy is still being laughed at by some strangers for his misfortune at 7 years old.

btw the soundpost of my violin mo duen duen fell off. yau yiu ling hui repair la =/ the piano doesn't sound right too. some keys wouldn't bounce back.

also listening to galaxie 500 on youtube. seems to be my cup of tea but the audio of the MVs ma ma dei.

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