Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Monday, Mar. 15, 2010 11:24 p.m.

miss tai o so much. haven't gone back for over 2 weeks... been eating a lot these days due to family gatherings and stuff and gained several pounds immediately. skin problem comes back on me again. don't wanna see anybody until i get well -_- i really wish to go back to the island and concentrate. so sick of listening to people babbling all day... i get really sick of people sometimes.

PEACE. why is it so difficult to have a moment of peace!?

i'm going to explode anytime as i get really frustrated not knowing how to handle mum. i am really really pissed off. why must she overact to EVERYTHING! and why after all these years she still doesn't know what i've been doing! for god's sake i just want one second of peace!

glad that after these shitty days i managed to escape to kennedy town and did a sketch that i liked. my sketch looked melancholic as usual, but there's more energy than the pretty but soul-less sketches of buildings that i did 2 or 3 years ago. i'm looking forward to an even bigger improvment and a breakthrough, though.

now i'm gonna talk a little about the weekend at shek kip mei JCCAC flea market. i sold 33 cards on the first day and 40 on the second (including both mine and wiki's cards). the cards were priced much lower than in tai o and therefore i didn't earn much although i sold quite many. anyway the printing cost for my cards had been covered and let's see when the cost for wiki's cards can be made up as well.

selina and tiffany's hand sewn bags were selling very well too. the aunties got very excited about turning unwanted clothes into cool trendy bags. nui yun $ really ho ho jarn. haha.

postcard #2 (temples, vertical) and #4 (the one with blue sky) were most popular. and people in general are more interested in coloured drawings than black and white ones.

the market was fun, but i've also observed some really weird phenomena after starting my tai o store and this flea market...

1. 有人會以為D postcard係可以免費攞(寫晒價錢,擺明係賣緊postcard......)

2. 大根賣唔賣?

3. 有人問D波波燈係咩黎(波波lor,裝飾lor,唔通掛出黎曬乾咩)

4. 有人拎起本sketchbook睇左一陣,皺眉,問本sketchbook係咩黎(sketchbook lor... 仲可以點答你?)

5. sketchbook要黎賣ga?

6. 有人企o係D標晒價錢既postcard前面同我傾偈,傾到我話逢星期六日擺檔,佢驚訝地問:乜你呢度有賣野咩?

7. 8成人向後揭本sketchbook發現全部空白冇畫野之後唔會嘗試向前揭。而一開始向前揭既人都唔識向後揭。

8. 有3至4成人冇意識要respect或者保護人地D畫,竟然當住我面前用手指係咁捽D畫,crazy。acrylic都還可,你明知D pastel會甩粉整污糟手點解你都要捽?

9. 起碼一半人唔敢拎起本sketchbook黎睇

10. o係大澳有5成人會離2米望+估我賣緊乜而唔敢行埋黎睇清楚

11. o係大澳大部份家長都會阻止仔女掂任何野,或者仔女未行到埋去就扯佢地走

12. 有5成人唔知松果係乜

and i remember a girl (about 12 years gold) saying to her friend right in front of my store, '呢幅畫我都畫到啦!' 真係冇家教。

also some frequently asked questions:
1. 你學畫畫學左幾耐?

2. 你讀inte?

3. 嘩你睇下姐姐D油畫幾靚?

4. 係咪水彩?

5. 讀archi D人係咪全部都畫得好靚?

6. 你指筆一定好幼喇畫得咁幼細。
我用hi tec c 0.4。

yesterday a guy flipped through my sketches and was surprised to find that they were done by me coz he thought they were done by a boy instead. yeah i want to be more like a man. i don't wanna do cute girlish stuff. i can't do chocolate rain style or carrie chau style as i'm not so much a DIY/patchwork person, and they are already very outstanding and well-established. so i'm going for a cooler, more neutral style.

i can't change my cartoon voice and body language, but hopefully my words and drawings will do me justice...

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