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Saturday, Oct. 17, 2009 12:34 a.m.


Goodbye, Jimmy, goodbye
Goodbye, Jimmy, goodbye
I'll see you again but I don't know when
Goodbye, Jimmy, goodbye

Wind is a-blowin', rain starts to fall
Train is a-tootin' its long, lonesome call
Wheels are clickin' their way down the track
Countin' the days till he's comin' back

When he has traveled the land and the sea
He'll stop his wand'rin' and come home to me
Give me a kiss for each tear and each sigh
Till then my Jimmy, my Jimmy, goodbye...



今天是原訂的LAST DAY,新舊同事一起到炮台山oyster cube吃晚飯,終於見識到蠔哥的執著與熱誠,而食物的確做得不錯。飯後搭叮叮,同事在銅鑼灣下車,我繼續搭到上環總站。天氣涼了。是久違了的港島西。很久沒覺得這樣開懷過,這晚我是無間斷地笑的,那是真心的笑。相比起我的同學,我想我在工作方面還是幸運的。每星期返六日、每日工作十一十二小時的生活是很令人厭倦,但除此之外,同事好得沒話說,老細不乞人憎的時候也很好(講得好廢不過事實正是如此)。

媽讓我選紐西蘭或青島,我選青島,感覺上有較多歷史文化景點,何況我也不擅畫/拍紐西蘭那種湖光山色。我說自由行才好玩,明年年初去吧,現在先做些資料搜集。其實我真的怕跟阿媽兩個人獨處,希望這趟親子旅行turn out不會是惡夢。

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