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Sunday, Jul. 19, 2009 11:40 p.m.

1. 位於石板街與擺花街交界的樓上二手英文書店flow流動生命
用28蚊買左白鯨記(淨係睇intro已經好吃力,之前記落既GRE生字竟然不斷出現書中!)!仲見到英文詠春拳譜,作者師承葉問,係李小龍師兄(if i didn't get the english wrong)。當然亦有大路小說如the devil wears prada、james patterson、stephen king等等。
2. 歌賦街homeless新設cafe,但今日冇開。
3. homeless隔籬有一間開心懷舊小店outofstock,一入去周圍都係懷舊相機同埋佢地出既可愛相機袋。唔識玩相機所以冇研究啦,但係店內其他野都好吸引。有slide viewer(好有衝動買黎送禮加自用)、紅色typewriter、只售198既stylophone(logon好似賣200近300)、eames rocking chair等等。佢地網上有一個outofbid,不同平時價高者得既競投,outofbid產品每日減價,睇下邊個驚價格太低畀人搶走而自己忍唔住出手。而家bid緊eames chair,由1800蚊開始減,屋企有位擺既話都真係可以考慮下。


got onto a tram to kennedy town afterwards. the abbatoir was completely gone. all flat. could see the buildings that one wasn't able to see before it was pulled down, and the empty piece of land actually looked smaller than when it's built.

we once strolled around that area and i said kennedy town was the end of the world. maybe i'll never say such things to a guy anymore. i'll never express such passion and naivety again, even if i get really 感觸. afraid of feeling stupid afterwards. sometimes i hate myself for being overcome by feeling again and again. that's just not ok.

另外o係網上訂左phaidon mini art book 同埋 photo book,價錢還可以。

it's a pity that everything costs so much (unless you are a designer or a craftsman who can produce what you like but still, you will need to spend a considerable amount on equipment and tools and storage space). so i think the only 超值 and cool experience one can get in this pitiful city is travelling on the tram. it's the one thing that is unique to us and something we can be truly proud of.

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