Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Thursday, Jun. 26, 2008 12:28 a.m.

it's been a week since i last logged in to diary... such a hectic week! i know it's uncool and unfashionable to complain how busy one is coz it seems to be something that only old boring women would say...

no news from the other side yet. a bit hea jor and 無心戀戰. just wanna go travelling.

成個year-out都係一心諗住唔去旅行要努力做野賺學費,點知而家有人撩我去edinburgh art festival,搞到我好想駛錢tim。去得edinburgh冇理由唔去glasgow,去得英國又冇理由唔去埋其他未去既城市��盧韻淇太可惡。

喜歡一個人去旅行,自己figure out每日既行程,搵路線同timetable,每到一個景點就畫sketch俾朋友,o係火車寫postcard,臨訓前寫日記,食早餐順便同人傾下偈,同時promote下香港��。


seems that i'm always a surprise for others and myself. god knows what i want.

maybe i'm not ready. maybe i'm not as cool as i thought after all. perhaps the rightest thing to do is isolating myself, but that'll be painful...

that's a bad excuse for me to travel...


virgo ppl are such weird creatures. they are driving me mad. -_-"


thanks totoro for jumping out from the wardrobe. thanks for going through these harsh years with me.

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