Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Sunday, Jan. 13, 2008 11:10 a.m.

a beautiful sunny day followed by a sulky day. i was right yesterday. don't ever take good weather for granted. when there is a chance, seize it and do something.

i was about to give up the ctrl shift exhibition yesterday. i was in front of the central police station, got my yellow holga picked up from the post office, and in the beautiful sun i tempted myself to give up the exhibition in sheung wan just because it's a little far (a 15 min walk) from here.

then the angel said, it's easy to give up, but if you choose not to, you can go far beyond.

give up or not. the question that lasts for a whole lifetime, waiting for the questioner to give the answer.


i am tired. please don't torture me with those conversations anymore. please no.



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