Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Sunday, Oct. 14, 2007 10:10 p.m.

very nice weekend. dali's sculpture greeted us at the door, and warhol's four Maos waved us goodbye. besides the masterpieces, we found quite a number of contemparary chinese artworks here. wasn't very impressed by them. looked soulless and shallow to me. but maybe these are trendy now (and marketable).

we wandered off to aberdeen street. all restaurants were closed on sunday and we couldn't try the legendary macaroni in tomato soup (last week we waited for nearly half an hour and still couldn't find a seat). but Homeless was there at the corner, and we enjoyed looking and touching all the expensive home products.

i'm glad that i have lived for three years in this district and is working here. i love it. i'm grateful for mum who made me get up at 630am every morning for a school in Kownloon, where a bigger world opened up before me.


andy warhol @ opera gallery, 2-8 wellington street, central (opposite to fringe club)
date: before 19 Oct
opening hr:
mon to sat: aorund 10-730
sun: around 10-7
website: http://www.operagallery.com/art-gallery/HONG-KONG_7.aspx

don't tell me you haven't seen it.

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