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Thursday, Jul. 26, 2007 9:47 p.m.

its my 3rd day in venice. we spent our days walking and taking the waterbus. now i still feel like floating... -_-

im not used to the italian keybord. the position of symbols are all different.

jung yue yau duc yung internet la... its expensive. 5 euro for 1 hr. like burning money gum. i have to keep typing fast...

let me write down my itinerary here.
1st day:
1. millennium dome
2. canary wharf
1. corbusierhaus (=unite habitation type-berlin = our hostel)

2nd day:
1. deutsche history museum by i m pei.
2. friedrichxyz strasse. dunno how to spell. brandedburg gate, dz bank by frank gehry
3. reichstag dome by norman foster
4. potsdammer platz. sony centre.
5. philharmonie by scharoun
6. berlin wall
7. corbusierhaus, olympia stadion

3rd day:
1. jewish museum by daniel libeskind
2. some other new buildings...
3. mexican embassy
4. dutch embassy by rem koolhaas
5. nordic embassy

4th day:
1. getting off the bus at the wrong station plus scorching sun plus no water plus intense heat
2. wonderful pear juice from the supermarket saved 2 lives
3. waterbus no. 1. nice waterbus ride from piazzale roma across the grand canal to lido.

5th day:
1. s giorgio, duomo by palladio.
2. s marco and palazzo ducale
3. lost my frd, started walking alone
4. cementery island. stravinsky's grave.
5. s archi
6. rialto
7. salute (santa maria)

6th day:
1. moved to another hostel in guidecca. cabonara. no time for palladio buildings in vicenza lu...
2. murano. glass factory and glass rings.
3. chicken and fruit juice for dinner.

jau lei iyung sai internet minutes la. see you all soon!

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