Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Saturday, Jun. 09, 2007 12:53 p.m.

uploaded some favourite photos i took to http://www.lokbi.com. check them out!

gone through the first job interview in my life yesterday. hope it's okay. and i found that casa nostra@caine road yuen loi hai ng expensive ga bor, and siuyuen wa gei ho mei tim ga bor. that's GREAT. gotta try it some day.

hm.. people are flying to barcelona and malaysia for workshops and stuff... i need to make my europe trip with dear uhu great as well!

want to visit the uk again somehow.

nice chat with claudie and po last nite. thanks for the laughters. tako will visit me tomorrow. looking forward to her cooking =)

wanna swim swim swim!! (but we have a difficult weather...)

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