Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Saturday, Apr. 28, 2007 9:37 p.m.

mo mud sum gei jo yeh. gwa jue warn mo liu little flash game. or just sit there daydreaming in front of the computer.

feeling a little lost, a bit lonely, a bit tired at this very moment.

hoyin gave a nice suggestion for my roofs. the nicest suggestion he has ever had for me. everytime he spent less than 15 minutes on me. the length of tutoring doesn't really matter, but there's no quality in the discussion. but it's nice for me in a way. for i have been relying on others too much. it's good that i walk to the final by myself. the disastrous first interim proved that doing what he suggested jau wui pk. better be your own self.

there's actually much more i can do... but time is running out. hm...

(Muse geh 'time is running out' geh beginning really ho ying. listen to the song and you'll know what i mean.)

world is bigger with a bigger lcd mon. thanks for buying it for me. and thanks for your support. sorry for all the beatings and bitings.

better stop bullshitting and start working rightaway. behind schedule la.

so farewell for now. see you in the next life.

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