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Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006 5:29 a.m.

finally can connect to some of the foreign websites... how is everybody these days? days without msn xanga and email... i've spent 2 days lying in bed and chatting with people. couldn't really work or read as the green �Ĥ� made me too sleepy.

there it printed the words 'bright future' on the dark green pills. how funny. then i must have some more of these pills to secure myself a bright future.

it's so cold in alaska.

had strange dreams these days. went to the wilderness (that reminded me of tai o) with a big group of people... and then everybody was gone. disappeared. just me and about 2 other ppl left... in our house. a not so pleasant dream.

i think it's connected to the dreams i had when i was smaller, in which i went to the same wilderness... what do the dreams mean?

will be watching 2001: a space odyssey. wanna watch lolita and shining as well. i lub BC. movies movies movies!

i bought the fiction of lolita by nabokov some years ago and still haven't finished the book. the english was awkward and difficult for me. guess nabokov deliberately wrote it this way... coz humbert humbert (a french immigrant) was a strange and narciccistic paedophile anyway.

there's nothing i can say but...


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