Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Friday, Dec. 01, 2006 7:43 a.m.

chi sin... have been struggling with the section from 30/10 10am to 1/12 630am... meh si ar... what kind of life that is? still have no roof and no office tower... still need to amend the plans... jung yau panel... sketches... and need to think about how to make the model and what materials i will need...

i have some very very good bao ju-s and bao daughters... lucky me. heard from karbi that some classmates made their bao ju-s to design the elevation for them... haha. are we being relatively lenient then? but actually ngor dou chur duc bao ju ho �� ar... very ng ho yi si...

the temperature dropped suddenly in several hours' time. hai studio jo jo ha yeh, mo duen duen jau gok duc �����}�}. it was freezingly cold when i left school in the morning. jik hark hui �ɴI sik goh yummy hot breakfast sin. the ���� could recognize my face lu. last time i went there he kept talking to me about his customers who studied in hku. he's a very nice man, but i was a bit sad to find that he was a smoker.

hm.... have to sleep la. sleep yuen yau yiu continue with the battle liu.

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