Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Thursday, May. 26, 2005 12:11 a.m.

so year 1 is over. �H�q���@��.

should have done better... but as time was pretty limited, i didn't manage to tell everything i wanted to tell in my portfo. ho chi 1st sem goh portfo ho d. mei bit informative d, but gwor goh gum gok ho d, complete d.

i went to mini to sleep rightaway, hoping i could sleep for over 24 hours. unfortunately, i was waken up by a nightmare at 11pm. i was worrying about the portfolio in my dream and realized that there were many many things that i forgot to put down. then i got up and ate �X�e�@�B. good to have sth to eat. then i opened my notebook, and started writing �q���䨫��@�ɺ��Y. i typed 300�r for the Centre Street photo. type yuen yeh... tang ha goh.. yi ging 4am. sei la ng dou 4 am dou ng gok duc tired. then i slept until 12pm.

i went to the post office to mail a parcel. after weighing the parcel, i went aside to stick the stamps. the staff said, "�p�j, �����ȧr!" i got the ������ and immediately turned away and then he called again, "�p�j, air mail�r..." after half an hour or so, i realized that i STILL had left something in the post office. when i went back to the post office, i was happy to see my wallet again, but i was mo noi to find that my money was gone. around $40. fortunately my credit card, atm card and other cards were still there.

and on the night before submitting the portfolio, May Ho came up to me and asked if anyone had lost a mobile phone. i thought she's talking about the person who used the computer i was then using. that guy had left many coins there. i said, "mo ar.. mo mobile phone wor, coins jau yau." yuen loi she's talking about MY mobile phone lor... i had left my phone in the printing room after i finished scanner my drawings.

and a few days earlier... i left my usb finger and mobile phone in the staff room after seeing Dr Jia... fortunately mr ho saw my phone and gave it back to me.

�j�N�o�n����... -_-

june to july �Υ��˭�... where can i go?

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