Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Thursday, Dec. 30, 2004 10:58 p.m.

come back from palace garden lu. what a waste of time! i spent two days sleeping eating and watching tv. xyz. several drawer handles were broken. mum bought some new ones, but we couldn't fix them onto the drawer because the holdes simply didn't match the ������. i still have many things to do, and i don't know why i had to waste two days in that place which was good for nothing.

when i came home the fish seemed dying. i wonder if it can survive until tomorrow... fish, hold on* every time the fish �i�� at midnight and would be found dead in the next morning. so i'm really worried. and the weather is so cold...

listened to dad's CDs in these two days. 1 jek hai english, 1 jek chinese. nice oldies. wun dou �گ��ýt la, ho hoi sum, although i don't really like the singing.

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