Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Saturday, Nov. 13, 2004 11:09 p.m.

���������V--->������n�}�n -_-

5am�W�����}�Ǯ�, ����V���Npillow�J��, d�Pı�n�I. �W�^���o�Ӱ}�Y���������ۤv�g�A, �Ӹ��Q�gmonday����|�gmonkey (�]��jeh).

friday night�ש󦳱o��Υ�, ���Y����mini��washing machine�S�n10am�h����. �S��ʥ��j�X����. �����ڶ}��������|��ʵo�{.

ʥ����L�ڭөmwor. haha. ���e��e��j.

����hwhampoa garden. �R���Ӻ}�G��classic pooh pooh�M. ����h�䴺�p. �ԮԶ��}&�u�H���鳭ʤ@���W��, �믫���֤�. �ԮԶ��}�s�ڤW����, �ЮI�Ԯ�d�P�ǥJwor. waka. ���L�quit�^��, ����^��ı�o�ڦ����D. especially counter�Ӥk�H���鳣�����I��. �i���ı�o�ګY�Ӹ�, �H���L. �S�������ۤv�ӲӨЫY�ꤺŪ�j��, ���ѩԵ^wor.

�����hku, �����S����. ʪ�Ʒбo����F�`. �ڦ�d�o�ʮ�, ��: "�A�������r?" ����: "������!" �ڻ�: "�ڭn�����r!" �M�᦬�u. �C�饴n����, ���P�@�ˬJ��. �q�ܦn���z. ���}�q�ܤS��ʾ��.

�Y���@��Υ�ʴN�}�l���ﭱ�ݹ�lark. �J�ک�10��, ���Y��o��d��. �ڴN�Y��.

just sent an email to mrs a. chan. i replied her late. let's see if she still lets me go to the speech day.

oh by the way i saw mrs elim lau and her friend today @ �_�F��. i greeted mrs e. lau and we talked for a while. she's always so elegant =)

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