Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Thursday, Aug. 05, 2004 4:51 p.m.

people give me warnings

stay away from you

they say you'll hurt me

i don't think that's true

discomfort arouses

when i speak of you

as if you're gonna say something bad

about me


now playing the album i recently bought from Monitor Records. it's Yann Tiersen's C'etait Ici, live in paris in 2002. it's a two-CD album in french and i don't understand anything. the music is GREAT though. by the way, yann tiersen was the music producer for the movies "Amelie" and "good bye lenin". a really really talented guy.

kmlee asked me to hand in my work asap. i feel pretty weak and tired. hope i can have the story finished in the next few hours.

this morning we went to �� to ���. it wasn't painful, but when i found that one whole bottle of my blood had been sucked away i was horrified.

then we went to the �Ш�supermarket. when i was small i liked that supermarket a lot coz there were so many interesting books and colourpencils. today those books don't interest me anymore. they are rather cheap, but i just don't feel like reading them. suddenly i saw harry potter legos. i wanted to buy a little box of lego for my friend, but mum would think i was silly.

maybe i leave it until i have time to visit toysrus.

i wanna have this!!!

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