Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Thursday, May. 20, 2004 2:18 a.m.

"twisting the apple stem" by motion picture

you doubt our fate turns on the apple

and the stem i now hold in my hand

but dearest trish, i made a wish

twisting the apple stem

you'll change your name to "madeline"

if "m" is where the game ends

you tickle my chin with dandelions

and search for a four-leaf clover all day

so dearest pru, i'm asking you

twisting the apple stem

if i may please call you "dominique"

if "d" is where the game ends

and if our fate turns with the apple

just twist five times and you'll be mine

oh cecily, would you humor me

when you're twisting the apple stem?

when you reach "e" wind forcefully

so thats where the game ends

oh penelope, please promise me

twisting the apple stem

you'll change your name to "angeline"

if "a" is where the game ends.

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