Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Sunday, May. 09, 2004 11:38 p.m.

after viewing bobby sham's photos, i would like to make a pinhole camera for myself.

pics taken with a pinhole camera- by bobby sham

just filled in the application forms for the german course and the polyU course. i got a $3000 coupon from polyU after winning the L2G competition. (yee? joyzi goh jeung coupon dim suen?) so i'm applying for this Digital Visualization and Animation Design Using AUTODESK VIZ. i think this course is about drawing and designing using CAD software, tung mai jing ha animation.

i took out the Mozart Sonatas again yesterday. i had nearly played all the nineteen (is it nineteen?) sonatas many years ago, but i had never been that touched until yesterday. mozart's music is so ���M�Ѧ�. it's the music of the heart. it fits the internal rhythm of humans. i remember ���� saying something like mozart's music �վ㤺�b�`��. when listening to mozart's music your heart would naturally echo and dance with it. but it's a very sensible/intelligent music at the same time probably due to mozart's unusual talent and the music's naturalness. you can understand why pregnant women would let their babies listen to mozart's music.

mum is suffering from �Ī��ӷP again. it's the 2nd/3rd time already. she had never had any allergy to medicine before last year. so strange.

oral practice@school tomorrow. dun wanna see kmlee. dun wanna have the oral exam. my chinese oral sucks. i'll "eh eh eh..." nonstop.

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