Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Monday, Mar. 15, 2004 3:49 p.m.

luckily i could sleep last night, but unfortunately i was waken up by a nightmare in which i was holding a small knife, trying to save the life of a fish. it's not the first time i dreamt of trying to save the fish. they were real nightmares that made me really really sick. in my dreams i always had to save the fish before it died without water. i felt suffocated and not able to speak in other fishless dreams.


went to kwai tsing theatre to get the guidebook for hk internation film festival 2004. hopefully we can enjoy another bunch of good movies this year.

you know i wouldn't go home immediately. so i went to metroplaza's �T�p. no great design books today. i flipped through a 2cm-thick �[�೽��Ų page by page, and you can imagine how much time i had spent on flipping.

when i went out the time was 10am and i arrived home at 12. hair jor ging loi as if i was having a real holiday. actually i felt very lost. i didn't even know what to eat. at first i thouth i would cook. so i opened the fridge to find if there were any vegetables. i saw a plastic bag and looked inside. a black thing.. a �X�l or what? but all of us in the family didn't like �X�l. i held it closer and suddenly i threw the thing down, totally horrified. the sickening but obscure smell and the image of the dead fish made me want to throw up. i felt really really sick. i didn't know until that moment that an animal corpse in a fridge could be so terrible, almost a sign of evil, mocking and taking revenge on we human beings for taking animal lives so neatly and so scientifically.

the microwave heater was my resort. finally i ate 2 pieces of bread and ����s and orange juice. a strange combination.

i'm going back to the effectiveness of fiscal policy lu. just had a long long rest. hm.. i'm wondering whether i have a special connection with fishes.

What do people really think about you? by Raven319
favorite song
Parents thinkYou work too hard
Strangers thinkYou're smart
Friends thinkYou need a fuck buddy
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

nh.... -____- no comment


i don't why all this inspiration rushes out at this time when i have to do revision and face exams and have no time to draw anything. anyway here are the things i've got in mind:

1. a few comic stripes on the theme of dreams/nightmares

2. i think i'd better carry on with the unfinished music video (seahorse) on paper instead of struggling with Fireworks and Flash.

3. a night-cityscape. express distance and depth with different sizes of lights.

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