Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Friday, Oct. 31, 2003 2:42 p.m.

the fish dad bought died this morning. maybe the weather was too good. ai....... rest in peace, fishy*

the geog test wasn't very difficult, but i couldn't finish the essay. emily and cindy couldn't finish theirs too.

after the test we had a halloween party in our classroom. mrs kmlee and �کjwas with us too~ we had KFC~ yau spaghetti la, chiken wings la, chicken legs la, tarts la, brownies la, pizza hut pizzas la, cream soda etc. ho yummy ah d chicken~

afater that we took a lot of photos. people looked funny in those witches' hats, devil's horns and terrifying makeup.

i'm having free lessons now. i don't want to do anything constructive after the geog test. i want to waste my time away here in the library =P

waha, pauly is playing computer game beside me. ho excited ar kui!

let me find soome games to play sin~

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