Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Friday, Oct. 03, 2003 7:13 p.m.

typed a very �E entry 2 days ago. since i do not know how to add it to the private folder, i pasted the content in notepad and deleted the entry.

i bought 2 orange fish on the dress casual day. i thought the little fish that chris gave me was called ���. the pet shop boy said it was very �c and would fight with other fish and he recommended me to buy the orange fishy called �R�R.

one of them died yesterday morning. its ���_ was broken, just like Nemo, who had a broken fin. its companion always tried to invite it to play and encouraged it to live on, but broken fin still couldn't hold on. the remaining fish is still very healthy and active.

when you look at the fish's face you would smile. it looks like a �M�� little kid. unlike the senile grouper or the bloodthirsty shark, the little orange fish would wave its fin and say, 'don't worry, be happy!' and merrily swim on.


the englit people have to read "the god of small things". i read the book by the end of last year. it contains some very funny and beautiful language, with a sadness permeating in it.

they have to read books according to the schedule, including books that they don't really like, and have to write numerous essays. it's totally different to read those books on your own without without worring that you may have to write an essay or do a test afterwards.

we read to communicate with the author. i don't think author would like us to spend so much time writing about things like the use of imagery in the story and something that not even the author himself noticed and intended.

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