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Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 11:40 p.m.

i'll have to miss 4 meetings because of the outward bound thingy. waht can i do?

yiu prepare d outward bound yeh la...

backpack la.. clothes la.. hiking boots la.. �ն���la... long-sleeve shirts la... �Ula... i only have less than $1000 in my account. dim suen???

bankrupt la really...

chiubi, irene and i discussed the CLC report in school this morning. there was a temporary opening for the construction workers in the stone wall. people were doing something to the �F��. the common room was not allowed to enter. so grey.

we sat under a �F(very similar to DOGA place but bigger) of junior school. while thinking of questions we might need to put on our questionnaire, we saw a sparrow violently tearing a big butterfly into pieces. it struggled for a minute or so and the butterfly was in its stomach already. it's a striking scene but it's not bloody at all because i couldn't see the butterfly's blood.

blood of a butterfly. sounds poetic.

7/8 went to sab ma's party at wooden mood cafe. ho jeng ar 1 enter goh cafe, ho homy! goh party yau sab ma, em jai, yoyo, esther, cleo, fion, vivian, carol, tushiyyah, candy sum etc. the food wasn't particularly good, but gwor goh mood jun hai ho ho lor. we brought our favourite CDs to be played. we didn't appreciate emily's Stone Roses CD much.. coz we couldn't hear any melody. my Blur CD took over emily's CD~ it's Blur's "the best of". nearly every song dou ging ho tang! and other guests agreed with me~

then we had a sharing and some games. we talked about dgs ppl's hypocrisy, the definition of �� etc, and the ppl who were leaving dgs talked about their feelings. most of them felt unprepared gum la, and some suddenly found that they were beginning to miss DGS.

we left at around 10:30. d waiters ho nice ar! they said goodbye to us~ maybe i'll bring my frds there later. it's a very wonderful party~ although i had never been in the same class with some of the guests, we got along quite well.

many peopel will leave hk next week... including joyzi and sab ma >.< i've just drawn a rainbow ���B�� for joyzi and a lizard for sab ma. i'll print them our tomorrow~

by the way, lydia will be in econ1 in the coming term. i will have even less opportunities to chat with her. yi chin econ tung lydia ng tang M.Fong gong yeh, hai gum chat ho hoi sum~ hm... wark jeh next term geog tung lydia chor?

this morning ho ng gur ga... but now i feel better. ho lark~ yi hou dou ng lei lu~~

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