Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Saturday, Jun. 13, 2015 9:38 a.m.

漁護署間中辦講座,有時做郊野公園義工的阿媽誠意邀請到,不得不去,於是一兩年前某個周末,老遠從葵涌跑到鰂魚涌林邊生物多樣性自然教育中心(紅屋,前太古糖廠高級職員宿舍)聽候鳥講座。地球上有多條候鳥飛行路線(flyway),香港位於跨越22個國家/地區的「東亞─澳大利西亞飛行路線East Asian - Australasian Flyway」之內,是眾多雀仔的中途站。

兩個月前,電視上出現候鳥遷徙的畫面,原來是韓國拍的紀錄片,追蹤一隻叫YRBY的bar-tailed godwit斑尾鷸,和族群如何從阿拉斯飛到紐西蘭,再經緬甸、韓國,回到阿拉斯加。斑尾鷸曾創下候鳥中的最遠飛行紀錄,八日內不眠不休、不吃不喝,從阿拉斯加飛到紐西蘭。紀錄片當中,即便鳥群想在陸地歇息,在連日飛行後要有足夠力氣衝破海浪步上沙灘,甚至在雀滿之患的情況下找到可歇腳的木柱也不是容易的事,無法上岸的鳥兒只能掉進海裏,倦極而死。

(to be continued)

"The Great Flight" (2012)
Directed by Chin Jae-un

In 2008, a godwit with different color rings was seen at the estuary of Nakdong River in Busan. The tracking of his flight showed it was from New Zealand. He was named YRBY based on the colorful rings he wore. He has been flying from New Zealand to Alaska via the upcoming Korean peninsula for four years. Considering he flies 30,000Km per year, YRBY, a bartailed godwit, travels as much as he can reach the moon in his lifetime. Following the godwit's journey around the earth, the film tried to prove that humanity and nature are interconnected around the axis of ecosystem, the Earth. The eco documentary shows different ethnic groups with different civilizations, but a godwit proves that all the people and civilizations on the Earth are inseparably connected with each other. With an omnibus of a small godwit that is 300g light but flies the longest distance of 30,000Km and a 70-year-old old man who hunts birds-of-paradise in primitive forests, the film says that the flight and the hunting are the meaning and objective of a life. (MOON Woong)

Release date in Korea : 2012/10/18

Read more at: http://tr.im/Vo9aR

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