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Sunday, May. 31, 2015 12:12 a.m.

Quick notes:
- Became my post-90s colleague's tree hole again... An over-sensitive and illogical kid who keeps throwing me difficult questions to answer. Strangely, it is these moments that make you aware of how much you have grown over the years.

- History repeats itself - poor Fla's mum threw away his teddies and tweeties just because he caught flu recently. I can feel him totally. That's what happened to me these years - only in bigger scale.

- Going to speak about Umbrella Terms at a forum this afternoon. It's the first time for me to join a forum as a speaker. Good luck to me!

- I have procrastinated for weeks and months already - can I put the procrastination to an end?????

- Can't wait for June to come and put an end to all sufferings. According to Zoie's theory, the world has started to go through a new cycle in 2015, and that won't finish until 2017 (普選 in 2017 -> new (either better or more likely, worse) world?)

- Need a haircut, a day-off, plenty of exercise, walking and reading after tomorrow's market event

Back from the forum and dinner - I really need to work hard to become a better speaker >_< My public speaking is horrible.

The audience was rather kind, though.

Bach Partita Nº 2, BWV 1004
(Divine from from 17:20 onwards)

We've been talking about appreciation for music these days. I find it more difficult to distinguish whether someone is a top/great/good pianist than a violinist (any grammatical mistake in this sentence?), for the piano is more like a machine while the violin is more sensitive to playing - whatever you do is directly translated into sounds of different qualities, and these differences could be rather obvious.

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