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Thursday, Oct. 06, 2011 1:16 p.m.

Struck by the cover drawing of Laura Marling's new album that I saw on the underground these days. Just found that she was the girl who broke up with the singer from Noah and the Whale.

一星期內在Barbican分別看了LSO及BBC Symphony Orchestra現場配樂的1928年英國默片Underground。


Underground,1928年,Antony Asquith導演,BFI花了18個月修復,Neil Brand重新配樂。故事:於發電廠工作的壞男人某日在地鐵看中shopgirl美女,美女卻鍾情於壞人朋友-地鐵職員。壞人利用愚忠的前女友設非禮局陷害地鐵職員,企圖令職員失業兼拆散鴛鴦。前女友發現自己被利用卻無法令壞人回心轉意,憤然與地鐵職員硬闖發電廠找壞人算帳,一輪混戰後前女友被殺,停電,地鐵停駛,兩男從發電廠打到地電站,最後壞人被制服。

- 四位主角分別是地鐵職員、售貨員、發電廠工人、裁縫,都是working class,初期的電影確是平民娛樂

- 除了車門跟電梯,地鐵列車與車站跟今時今日沒有大分別

- 電影中出現一個「step off with your right foot」指示牌,據Q&A session解釋是因為早期電梯finished at an angle,不用右腳踏出便會跘倒,而這也是搭電梯要靠右的原因。

- 拍拖場景為Chelsea Embankment,發電廠是同樣位於Chelsea的Lots Road Power Station。電影點出地鐵與發電廠密不可分的關係,而兩者都是當年倫敦引以為傲的建設,有趣。

- 女子看起來很Art Deco,也不像英國人,而演女主角的演員Elissa Landi事實上真的是奧地利人。

- 作曲家Neil Brand說,當年的默片不可能每一齣都有度身訂造的配樂,通常用「罐頭」音樂。

Synopsis from screenrush: Asquith's working-class love story is one of the great British silent feature films. It's also one of the great films about the capital � a journey through the Underground (many of the scenes were filmed at Waterloo) via old London boozers and open-topped buses to a climactic chase through Lots Road power station that magnificently reveals the smoking roofscape of the coal-fuelled city.

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