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Wednesday, Mar. 16, 2011 12:59 p.m.



前晚到soho curzon看挪威的森林,可能因為我並不喜歡原著亦不記得小說情節,我覺得電影拍得很好。唯一要挑剔的是阿綠的選角和戲份不足,但直子比記憶中可愛得多。不過即使看完電影版,我仍然無法理解挪威的森林大受歡迎的原因。村上的其他小說無長短篇我都很喜歡,唯獨這一本我認為最難下咽。要說保留村上的感覺的話,早幾年的東尼瀧谷就很好,因為改編自短篇,電影的發揮空間就大得多。同行的朋友提起改編自生命中不能承受之輕的布拉格之春,我沒看過,也無法想像這樣欠缺劇情的小說如何能變成電影,難道要用旁白解釋巴門尼德?


A Postal Service cover by the Shins. The music sounds merry, but the song is actually about nuclear explosion.

I've got a cupboard with cans of food,
filtered water, and pictures of you
and I'm not coming out until this is all over.
And I'm looking through the glass
Where the light bends at the cracks
And I'm screaming at the top of my lungs
Pretending the echoes belong to someone
Someone I used to know

And we become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
ba ba ba ba

I wanted to walk through the empty streets
And feel something constant under my feet,
But all the news reports recommended that I stay indoors
Because the air outside will make
Our cells divide at an alarming rate
Until our shells simply cannot hold
All our insides in,
And that's when we'll explode
(And it won't be a pretty sight)

And we'll become silhouettes when our bodies finally go
ba ba ba ba

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