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Sunday, Mar. 13, 2011 2:55 p.m.

I just received this funny message on Skype:
[14:56:40] paulenewaldrop40: Beautiful Russian ladies

European and American women are too arrogant for you? Are you looking for a sweet lady that will be caring and understanding?
Then you came to the right place- here you can find a Russian lady that will love you with all her heart.


Please excuse us if you are not interested.

最後那句please excuse us未免太有禮貌。
大半年前說好要利用儲起的junk mail做作品的,但到現在還未諗掂。現在又儲起了大堆來到英國以來所有購物單據,也未知如何利用。

Gordon Matta-Clark,Cornell建築出身,太有型可惜英年早逝。前天看了Barbican Gallery的Trisha Brown/Gordon Matta-Clark/Laurie Anderson展覽,非常精彩,有空再寫。有趣的是,為甚麼世上許多唸建築的人最後都走上藝術的歧路?

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