Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Tuesday, Jan. 04, 2011 9:13 p.m.

Finally the first day of the exhibition has come. I am too lucky to be given the opportunity to exhibit my work, and to have these loving friends. The show doesn't seem to have enough promotion, and the facebook event page was opened too late... but still I am glad that the young people and the cleaner sum sum who passed by the exhibition seemed to like my work (according to classmate's report). I don't expect to become famous la this is not gonna happen with the small scale of the show and the limited exposure. I just hope that at least one audience will remember my name and my work, and is willing to find out more.

Another thing is I am happy that this exhibition has brought my different friends together. I am happy to see them developing new connections and new friendship. We can create more in the future with a bigger network!

Mum finally heard about the exhibition. I deliberately hid this from her for a few months to give her a surprise. I'll be most happy if she and brother can see it together. I don't expect her to understand or even like my work, but hopefully she will finally believe that I haven't been exploited by my clients and that ngor ng hai 白做 just for fun or for no reason. I have been waiting for this day for 20 years.

Classmate please excuse me to put your photos here.

The venue

Big thanks to these lovely people >___<
讀完書仲有錢剩就請食包飯. haha.



想上山頂睇展覽食翠華(海南雞!!!),之後再落上環散步,傾一大輪再去食野。諗起係香港行街食野既自在就想時間fast forward到暑假。

Today I decided to dik hei sum gon to finish the 1000-word essay. After working for almost 10 hours (with phone calls and yum yum sik sik in between...) I finally made it. Ai. After these few weeks of intensive reading (actually not quite intensive but already much better than the HKU days when I couldn't finish a single book in 3 years) I feel more confident in writing this paper now. Thanks to classmate and his classmate Brian for recommending books to me. Walkscapes written by Francesco Careri is particularly impressive.

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