Every life is a defense of a particular form.
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Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2010 5:36 p.m.

From Naoya Hatakeyama's Underground:

"...Our eyes were created by light. We are made alive by �seeing�. Smiles of our beloved, computer screens, scenery at sightseeing spots and photographs - they are all there to be seen. But what does light, and �seeing and being seen,� mean to those that have been there in the cave, in its absolute darkness. If I bring in light, the forms and colours will be visible for a moment. But they won�t care, for once the light is taken away, their forms and colours disappear like illusions anyway. Of all the things in this sheer darkness, nothing needs light except me. Here is a world which can exist with or without light. I am the alien, wanting something that is not there.

I think �Nature� is the name our ancestors gave to what they wished to related to and could not.; what remained beyond the human mind, that they felt so helpless about. Sky, mountains, water and light - even in photos - look so indifferent that they make us feel lost. Therefore they are called �Nature�, I believe. We often try to project �humanness� on vaiours phenomena in the world and eventually fail. Where we fail, we find Nature. Nature at such moments may look awful, beautiful, sublime, or healing. But it is not moved by our evaluation, just as things in the darkness are not by th forms and colours the light momentarily lets me see..."



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